Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Preference vs Necessity

11:07p.m, 30-Jan 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Home.

Hmmm...., once a while I do self-argue and highlight the differences between the word "Preference" and "Necessity".

"Preference" is something that WITH IT, it's a bonus, WITHOUT IT, it doesn't make any major differences to oneself.

However, "Necessity" is something that WITH IT, it doesn't make any major differences to oneself, WITHOUT IT, it's direly detrimental, if not in long term!

I always do have a higher absorption rate of understanding a concept via an example.

Let's not get into complex argument, just try to confine this example as in context of Malaysia only.

For instance, knowing of how to speak in French is a "Preference" skill, WITH IT, it is a bonus as you are being added value for being more skillful than those who don't speak French. In RPG parlance, Skill +1 :-). However, WITHOUT IT, it doesn't make any major differences to yourselves as it's not widely use over here.

The ability to be able to speak in English language is a "Necessity" skill. Ponder carefully, WITH IT, it neither makes any major differences nor added more value to oneself because most of us know on which directly brings down to commonality. WITHOUT IT, it's direly detrimental as everyone speak that language be in newspaper, international books, blockbuster movies and etc but you can't, thus Skill -1.

What I'm trying to deliver, as we leap forward from decades to decades, more "Preference" skills will be shifted to be part of "Necessity" skills.

In the past, Information Technology (IT) was a "Preference" skills where the non-friendly DOS windows was utilized and internet was almost non-existence. Thus, WITH IT, it's a bonus, WITHOUT IT, no big deal. However, as you can see now, IT knowledge becomes a "Necessity" skills because you are using more e-mails, spreadsheets and internet to help you to automate your daily tasks. WITH IT, no big deal as you always need to use it and most of us knows how to use them i.e. commonality. WITHOUT this skill, you will be struggling even on a simple task - perhaps send an e-mail or launching an Internet Browser :)!

As for my own perspective point of view, in the past, "Necessity" skills are smart-hardworking and fluency in English speaking. As time passes by, some "Preference" skills of that time had been shifted to "Necessity" i.e. savvy in IT, knowledge in investment both at real estates and stock markets and lastly, which was added based on my last written blog "Awaken from slumber not Schlumberger", the Psychological skills widely use in parental, negotiation, sales and managerial stage.

Myriads of new "Necessity" skills to be acquired in assurance for future survival of phenomenal competitive edge to come. The idiom says, "Time and tide wait for no man" solidly holds itself or I am just too concern about future? :)

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